the best free web traffic generating software

Make Big Money by using the best free web traffic generating software...


Web traffic generating software

   From: Massimo D'Amico


The best free web traffic generating software

increase your website traffic with our website traffic generation program  NEW!  Massive Traffic in Autopilot
increase your website traffic with our website traffic generation program  NEW!  Organic Marketing
increase your website traffic with our website traffic generation program  NEW!  Profit-pulling Affiliate Weapons
increase your website traffic with our website traffic generation program  NEW!  Passive Traffic System
increase your website traffic with our website traffic generation program  NEW!  Blasters: 2 Clicks to Blast your Ads
  $13,700 in Master Resell Rights
  Free Domains for Life

  High Traffic Toolbars
  Directories + Special Submitters
  Targeted Links + Viral Settings
  Traffic Exciters + 200+ Search Engines
  Instant Online Panel
(Super easy to use)
  Simple 3-steps System


   What if you have more than one website? 

My Owners Control Panel is capable of sending Hundreds of Targeted Visitors to any website,
   or groups of websites, you own.



The question is not... 

 Does this system work. The question is, why are the scores of people writing in to tell you 
 about all the traffic, sales and money they are making? OR... How can I get you this
 much targeted traffic and make sure you are never banned from the search engines?

 If you want to be in the 97% of the people that are failing then don't order this program,
 and you will miss out on everything you want, but if you are the kind of person who
 knows how to make a good investment in yourself, so you do get traffic, orders
 money and ultimate success, just read what our "Winners" have to say to you!

 Get the facts you need for yourself! 

Just read the testimonials below. Then simply fill in the form to get started with your
personal traffic generator.

        "People All Over The World Are Visiting My 
Site,  And Actually Buying My Products!"

Adsense, Adwords, Search Engine Optimization--- you name it, I tried it.

All that time and money..... and nothing worked.

I'll admit it....... THE BEST TRAFFIC OF YOUR LIFE is now producing the ONLY traffic of my Internet life.

You were my last hope. Now, instead of dragging myself
to the computer, I'm getting up an hour earlier because I
can't wait to see the latest "statistics".

While I sleep or play with my grandkids, people all over the world are actually visiting my sites..... AND BUYING MY PRODUCTS.

Thanks Max. I was three days from giving up.



    "Never have I received a sale so fast from
      anything else that I have used."

 increase site traffic web, site targeted traffic web, buy site traffic web, site targeted traffic us web, promotion site traffic web, increased site traffic webHello,

I setup your traffic system yesterday. And today I got a sale fom the traffic it generated.

This is VERY impressive.

I have been marketing online for ten years and have used most, if not all, of the traffic generators that exist from search engine marketing to mailing lists to ezine advertising and everything in between.

Never have I received a sale so fast from
anything else that I have used.

The traffic that I am receiving from the system is growing steadily and, in addition to the sale I already made, I am getting leads from which I expect to get more sales.

Never before has anything that I have used worked as well. I predict that my income will increase by at least 35% as a result of using the BTOYL System, and that is a very conservative estimate.

I wouldn't be surprised if my income doubled.
Finally a traffic system that works and that returns a profit! And one created and marketed by people who care about their customers and deliver what they promise.

Thank you, Max - Thank you!
Dave Beaman

Click Here To Get Started Now!

 What if you don't even have a website? 

  Ask yourself, what does every webmaster on the internet need? More traffic right? My
  affiliate program enables you to make outstanding money telling others about this website.

  You get very large checks from me!  Earning thousands of dollars a month with me
  is not only reasonable but quite probable.

 This website has a great affiliate program!  I mean come on... you are going to get it aren't 
 you?  Sure.. why wouldn't you?  It's just that easy.  Send people here, many will purchase
 their own traffic generation exciter system, and you will get paid 75% instantly!


"My future has been assured by simply becoming a member of THE BEST TRAFFIC OF YOUR LIFE"'

Do you remember the first time you experienced a freight train roaring towards you in a train station? The air displacement around you almost sucks you onto the tracks. Your heart is pounding with the nearness of something so massive and so close.

Your pulse quickens and your heart races as the freight cars pass you, one by one. The sound it emits is deafening. It's all around you and you're rooted to the spot, scared to look and reluctant not to. You are mesmerised by it, you want to touch it as it passes. It was a first-time experience for you and one that you'll never forget.

NOW you thought the freight train was BIG! You thought the freight train was LOUD! You thought the freight train was the biggest thing you ever experienced. NOT BY A LONG WAY.

You are about to hear something on the Internet which is BIGGER, NOISIER and a FIRST-TIME EXPERIENCE which, unlike the freight train, will BLOW YOU AWAY! I'm talking about 'THE BEST TRAFFIC OF YOUR LIFE!' All other traffic systems pale to insignificance beside 'THE BEST TRAFFIC OF YOUR LIFE!' (...and that's not just what it's called, that's WHAT IT IS!)

My future has been assured by simply becoming a member of an elite group of marketers who have discovered the Marketing Traffic Motherlode, 'THE BEST TRAFFIC OF YOUR LIFE' Traffic System.

If you think it's not for you, you're not interested in making money. Sign up now, or be a loser for life!

Thanks Massimo, for being Simply the Best! You system is definitely 'Better than all the the Rest' piled together.

Liam G. Matthews

"I Got Visitors In 4 Hours"

Thank you for bringing me in on TBTOYL!

They say there is beauty in simplicity and that makes this system the most beautiful thing around!

Only 4 hours after setting up just one part of The Best Traffic Of Your Life and I am seeing targeted hits!
This is truly amazing.

Finally a system that works, gives me complete control & flexibility of ALL of my campaigns without any of the "next you need to buy this" tactics that we all see so much of!

The step by step instructions, valuable tools to get the "edge" to the top, forthright insight, its all here. I am very happy :) !!!

Thanks so much,
Joseph Husler


  Do you want to know how to quickly make your website more
  successful, and then how to keep your success growing day by

  Of course you do,
I all do. And the fact is, you already know the very best way
  to do it. Get more traffic. I'll bet you have tried. And tried. And tried. Nothing
  much is working is it?

Success Formula #1

Success Response

Traffic + Website = Sales.

Sales & Money = A Better Life

  Should you buy traffic? No. Or more precisely, almost never. Why? Because if the
  traffic was really any good, you couldn't afford it. Just think. Common Sense tells
  you that if the traffic resellers had valuable traffic, it would cost you a fortune,
  because it would be worth a fortune!

  So here is where you had better be careful! When you are getting so desperate you
  start buying traffic... Why? Because Traffic Re-Sellers don't care that you are
  pending so much time on the internet trying to be successful - they don't even care
  if you really can't afford to buy their traffic. They care about one thing, Your money!

  It's not hard to understand, and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.
  The simple fact is, We all need more high quality, interested, seriously looking for
  something -

  If you've got a website, and you can get enough people to look at that website, and if
  you have something that someone will buy on that website, you will make money,

Do I Need Traffic?

1. No matter how good my product or website is,
if no one comes to my site, I will not make sales. True! False!

2. If I had more traffic, I would be making more
sales, and would have more money.
True! False!

3. I am marketing on the internet because I want
to have more money. True! False!

Scoring your test:

All answers:
True! False!

  The fact is, about 93% of all website owners do not have an
  excellent traffic generation system.

  Even the successful marketers have become resigned to settling for what ever
  is currently showing them the best return on their advertising dollar.

I have developed an easy to use system that creates unlimited domain names 
filled with keywords that attract search engines and visitors like bees to honey.


I would like to see if you are someone who will benefit from
  using this system...

  First, I must give you the straight story, with no hype, no flashing intros, no bouncing
  text, simply the easy understand description of this system. I will follow this description
  and information with an offer that I believe you will be totally thrilled to accept.

  I believe that you must understand some basic concepts of marketing, or to put
  another way, I believe you must agree with what I believe to be true in some
  areas of internet marketing.

  Further, if you do not believe as I do, then quite possibly this program is not for you
  and now would be a good time for you to find that out. So here is your question:


If I offered to give you $1.05 for every single dollar you would give
me... how many dollars would you want to give me?

None! As many as I could get my hands on!

  If you choose none, I believe strongly this system is not right for you,
  I suggest that you don't waste any more of your valuable time here. I thank you
  and wish the very best for you.

  If you choose, "As many as you could get your hands on" I believe I can show
  you how to get tens of thousands of people to want to give you "As many dollars
  as they can get their hands on" while you provide them with $1.05 worth of value.

  Targeted website traffic will help any product or serviced sell!

  Why just pick one thing? I point targeted traffic to all of my websites - and that
  means traffic that is looking for the product I am selling on each site. You don't
  need people who are looking for website traffic going to a gift basket store.

  But.. get people who want gift baskets going to a gift basket website, and now you've
  got something!

  I have my very own special "Genius Code" that you can simply plug in your
  website and almost instantly begin getting traffic that wants whatever is on the
  website you are sending them to! You've never seen anything like this!

1. Traffic Generation Program Details:

  My intent here is not to give you the reader, enough information of our traffic system
  to understand and operate The Best Traffic Of Your Life Traffic System©, but rather I
  want to give you information so you can get an understanding of the overall concept
  so you can determine if this system is one that you would like to have access to.

  This is because I offer many segments of a complete system that all work together
  synergistically to create a machine that truly builds large amounts of traffic.
  Although even utilizing segments of this system will gain webmasters significant
  traffic, both you and my company are better served by having the entire system
  operating for your website.

  I will provide each user of The Best Traffic Of Your Life Traffic System© an
  easy to use registered member panel for controlling your traffic system. Your
  registered member panel comes with easy to follow instructions on how to access
  and use the, fill in the blank, WYSIWYG, traffic system.

  New traffic comes in part from owning multiple desirable domain names. created
  out of high requested keywords, that will be both, indexed and listed by thousands
  of high traffic websites and search engines such as, Google, Yahoo and other
  major carriers.

  In addition my TBTOYL traffic system enables any system owner to change the traffic
  landing page on thousands of high traffic domain names in less than two minutes.
  The system allows any webmaster to create and own unlimited domain names at
  zero cost along with the zero cost visitors.

  TBTOYL traffic system also enables any webmaster to place their domains in very
  high traffic areas where visitors have the ability to choose to click on their links, thus
  becoming targeted, interested traffic.

  The traffic system grows exponentially every day of use, meaning that traffic counts
  will increase daily, every day, for as long as the webmaster has the system in place
  pointing to any website of their choice.

  The traffic system can send traffic to an unlimited number of websites chosen by
  any traffic system owner.

2. Here is a quick bullet point review of the benefits of my traffic system...


  • Increase On-line Traffic & Turn Your Website into an Instant Success
    Without traffic, your website is just another unknown dot in the vast internet
    world. On the other hand, online advertising is a complicated thing eating away
    at your profits. You do not need it to make your website a success, you need
    a steady stream of FREE targeted visitors surfing on in!
  • Send Hits to All Your Web Sites
    Most internet marketers have more than 1 website that they are promoting.
    TBTOYL System works to increase on-line traffic to as many
    web sites as you like.
    I guarantee that you have never seen anything like it!
  • Save Time and Money Daily
    Thanks to this system, you'll no longer have to spend 10 hours a day to
    increase on-line traffic
    . With all the hours you'll save, you can spend more
    with family, friends, relaxing, or doing whatever it is that you enjoy! You'll
    also have more time & money to improve your website (though you do not
    need one) and be able to read more about the internet without all the stress
    and frustration of trying to build traffic!
  • Help Your Downline Members or Affiliates
    If you are building a downline or run your own affiliate program, use
    The Best Traffic Of Your Life System to help those members get 100 referrals
    or more!
  • Blow Away the Competition
    While your competition is spending all their time with online advertising &
    trying to scrap together a few hits, you'll have a steady flow of customers
    visiting your website and buying from you! Your competition will be left in
    the dust. The smart ones may decide to join forces with you, which would
    make your business grow even stronger!
  • You Have Full Control Of Traffic
    Do you want the system to increase on-line traffic to your website(s)?
    Your business partner's website(s)? Somewhere else?
    ...It's your choice!

Click Here To Get Started Now!


  3. Here are some of the testing results on the domains I set up
  that are now directing thousands of visitors to the sites of my

  Please realize that this does not include the resulting traffic from search engines,
  high traffic sites or other directories.

  Meaning - this is from phase one of the system only - and is literally a very small
  fraction of the total traffic you will get for each of your websites.

  You can get tens of thousands of hits per day to any website you choose once you
  have allowed this system to propagete and grow across the internet. As you create
  multitudes of keyword rich domains ( free of cost with our system ) you will begin
  growing the traffic from
many sources such as search engines, high traffic
  websites directories and other webmasters wishing to trade relevant links with you.

4. Every one of these domains will direct traffic to any site you
  choose, every single day of the week.

  These examples below show the traffic from each individual domain name. Please take
  a moment to realize the fact, that you can multiply your traffic by 10 and then by 100
  and then by 1000 and then by 10,000.

  These are not fantasy numbers but easily attainable stats that anyone with my
  system can rapidly achieve with a small amount of effort multiplied over time.

  5. Here are the test results directly from the Search Engines.

  I do not guarantee that you will achieve top ten listings for every keyword you
  choose. I do however believe that you can expect to place in the top ten
  positions for some of your keywords in the largest Search Engines such as Yahoo
  and Google, If you have a good keyword density on your site, good content
  have some decent back or reciprocal linking.

  In other words, if you have your "ducks in a row"
I'll help you get on the search
  engines in amazingly high spots, without any of the trickery that they can so easily
  discover and ban your website for.

  There are many variables in Search Engine ranking, thus making specific claims
  difficult to prove or dis-prove, but again, I do state that any webmaster exerting
  intelligent effort can expect to achieve very high ranking on major Search Engines.

  Three of my test sites scored first, second or third on Yahoo and Google. Can you
  imagine the jubilation in my office when that report arrived?






  6. There was additional genius added to even this system..

  I have created a very special code 'program' that enables each user of the system
  to have the ability to re-direct traffic, at will, instantly to any website of choice.

  Now if a webmaster wants to direct traffic to a new program or to an existing
  program temporarily, this can be done instantly with the click of a button.

7. If you want traffic as described above and want in on a limited

   As soon as I have enough testimonials to prove to every web visitor the validity
my saying this traffic system is very effective at generating traffic, and they do not
  need to fear that it is the "same old stuff" they may have purchased before with little
  or no results, my discounted testimonial offer will end and all following visitors will
  pay the full, regular price for this system.

Thank you for looking at
my traffic system. There has been a lot of
  information for you to digest and you are almost finished.

  Your choice now is to decide, Do you believe the people that wrote in heart-felt
  testimonials. Because if you do, the fact is you know that you need more quality
  traffic to your website(s).

  Webmasters who have the massive traffic tools available to them with this package
  can reasonable expect to increase their income with their own programs - provided
  their own programs have at least, good - sales copy on an at least, good - website,
  and a service or product of value, meaning, that visitors recognize the value of the
  service or product and are given a compelling reason to purchase it.

  This program offers you a fully operational turn key business that
  instantly is ready to generate profits  (75% commission!).

  This is an amazing business ( selling real traffic on the net ) and many of
  our affiliates are realizing for the first time, a true internet income.

You Must Know This To Succeed on the Internet:

  If you have a product or a service that is $50.00 or less, and if your site is very
  well written with compelling sales copy, a secure payment processor and a
  customer follow up system, you need 100 visitors to make 1 sale.

  Sell a product of higher price and you need significantly more visitors
  to make a sale. Miss any one of the requirements above and without a doubt,
  you will never survive or make any notable amount of income on the internet.

  Real traffic may not save a poor website or poor products, but consider this
  massive traffic will at the very least allow you to know that even with a
  huge number of people, your product is not selling.

  And with your new ability to generate almost unlimited traffic to any website
  you will have the freedom to choose another product if you wish, and will
  in either case, significantly increase your chances of making money.

  By the way, if you are reading this and be honest, are not making
  any or as much as you need and want to make...when
do you want
  to face reality about your income?

  Now.... or when it's too late and you are so far down in your finances that
  it's too late to do anything about it.

This system is your best bet at generating massive, targeted,
  real traffic, which quite frankly for 99% of the websites out there... is the
  only chance they've got to do something to finally make some sales...

Grab The Best Traffic Of Your Life and get the super bonuses:

   $13,770 in Master Resell Rights products!


Webmaster's Profit Pack


Incredible Free-to-Sell pack to help you
on Promoting Your business!

  • Website Conversion Secrets - master resale rights $27
  • Total Resale Package - master resale rights $47
  • Carefully Crafted Email Sales Copy - resell rights $39.95
  • Secrets Revealed Of A Successful Online Marketer - Willie Crawford - resell rights $27
  • The Buy Impulse - master resale rights $29
  • Auto Hits Machine - master resale rights $29
  • Blog In A Box - master resale rights $27
  • 101 Ways To Stop The Money Leak - master resale rights $24.95
  • Internet based home business in a Box - master resale rights $49
  • Expand Your Professional Coaching and Consulting Business - master resale rights $27
  • Hitting the Search Engines - master resale rights $14.97
  • Create Instant PDF - master resale rights $19.97
  • Travel Writing - master resale rights $14.99
  • Be an Air Courier - master resale rights $14.99
  • Turn Your Autoresponder into a Cash Cow - master resale rights $47
  • The 30 Minute Marketing Miracle - master resale rights $39
  • Internet Marketing Call - master resale rights $49
  • TS Traffic Machine - master resale rights $14.95
  • 99 Websites You Should Have Bookmarked...But Probably Don't - master resale rights $14.97
  • Info-Product Marketing Secrets Exposed - master resale rights $25.95
  • HTML Security Report - master resale rights $17
  • Super Affiliate Secrets Exposed - master resale rights $19.95
  • Create Your Own Web Site in 5 Days - master resale rights $9.95
  • The Embarrassingly Simple Way - master resale rights $9.97
  • How to Create a Fortune on the Internet in Just Four Simple Steps - master resale rights $37
  • Secret Ebay Marketing - master resale rights $19.95
  • Jim Wilson's Ebay Interview - master resale rights $14.95
  • The Great Ezine Experiment - master resale rights $19
  • Ezine Ad facts - master resale rights $19.97
  • JavaScripts Magic - resale rights only $39.97
  • The Best Of The Affiliate Review - resale rights only $49.95
  • Web Site and E-zine Promotion Made Easy - master resale rights $29.99
  • EzineBlaster - master resale rights $27.95
  • eZine Ad Solutions 2002 - master resale rights $27.77
  • Ebook Monster Package - master resale rights $47
  • Viral Marketing Secrets - master resale rights $19
  • How To Win The War Of Internet Marketing - master resale rights $14.95
  • Build Your Own Mail Order Empire - master resale rights $19.95
  • How to Gain & Retain More Customers - master resale rights $27
  • Easy PDF Publisher's Toolkit - master resale rights $27
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  • How To Outsell Other Resellers - master resale rights $19.97
  • That's tons of ebooks you can start selling immediately -- And that's just to start off with!


    The Free Advertising System


    Webmaster's SUPERTOOLBOX


    Mini-websites ready for profits


    The Super Promotion Package


    The Super Power Pack

    Join the premiere affiliate program, and you get 75% commission
    on every personal sale (you get $147 per sale).   Priceless

    The Blog Submitter   $1,300.00
    ( Special version - You will not get banned )

    Three additional traffic multipliers that will multiply the traffic
    counts trafficcounts that you can receive from this system up to
    200%.   $ Priceless

    You have special access to download marketing ebooks and software programs. 
    $ 7,500

    Press Release Blaster   $247

    Genius Traffic Code for traffic re-direction    $4,570

    I continually update the bonuses and currently have
    several traffic exciters in the Control Panel  
    $ Priceless

    I Promised you special pricing, so here it is:

    As unlimited traffic is worth an unlimited amount of money, I had to really focus on what I could allow this sytem to be sold for...

    I know savy internet marketers who are in the money will pay thousands of dollars for a system like this.

    But what about all the people that do not have thousands of dollars today?

    hat you didn't know anything about is:

    - You get unlimited email support.

    - I have marketing resources valued in the thousands of
    dollars for every traffic system owner.

    - My system is growing and I pay a high price to programmers
    to stay on top. And I plan to continue to add breakthrough
    traffic generators to my Owners Control Panel. Purchasers today, will be grandfathered in and will never have to pay any additional monthly fees.

    - Every Traffic System owner will receive the finest marketing programs and downloadable ebooks and software.

    - I want you to be successful. I have not forgotten the times all I did was work on the internet, and believe. So now I believe in you and ask that you believe in you. Get this program, and devote your heart and time to it. Oh boy... the life you will have with a successful internet company... or companies will make it all worthwhile.


    Yes, Massimo

    I Can't Wait To Get My Hands
    On This Incredible Offer!

    I don't have $594.00 to
    spend so can you let me
    get this cheaper please ?

    How about since
    I want 29 more
    I make you a
    special offer of:

    The Fact is,This traffic program could make
    you thousands of dollars a month
    every month for the rest of your life.

    This is Your Chance
    to finally make the kind of
    money you really want!

    Traffic Masters

    Yes! This means I will have an official
    re-seller license of the TBTOYL system

    I want a full 75% commission on
    all sales from the people who buy
    from me!

    I am tired of giving up my dreams, of
    working long hours on the internet, with
    little or no return, and I really, really
    want an internet business that I can be
    proud of, and that finally makes me
    some money!

    I'm going to believe in you Max, 
    that you wouldn't talk about my
    dreams and hopes for my family and
    sell me something that was like all the
    other "lame" stuff out there

    $197 ONLY

    Add to Cart...

    for other payment arrangements or
    if you are having trouble placing
    your order please email me



    Satisfaction Guarantee

    You have seen the testimonials. You have seen the proofs. The fact is, this system will get you more traffic than anything else on the net. I guarantee it. In full. In writing. If you are trying to sell anything on the internet, you will benefit from massive targeted traffic.

    If I have proven I can get you massive traffic, and I guarantee your satisfaction in writing, and you know you need traffic and I include a way to make a ton of money. Go and order the program now.

    "Feel The Excitement Of Massive Traffic
    And Sales From Your Website Business!"

      Dear Friend,
      Quite frankly, I don't believe you want to lose out on more traffic and more sales
      and more success. And invite you to order your traffic system right now.

      With Best Wishes,
      Massimo D'Amico


     P.S. This isn't just another way to get traffic. This is a genuine system that you can put
     into use in minutes and get up to 900% more traffic. If you're not using this system,
     I guarantee you are losing traffic.

     P.P.S. I have to warn you that I WILL increase the price very soon - maybe even as early   as tomorrow. Take advantage now while you still can!

     P.P.P.S. If you are promoting any affiliate program without using this system,
     you're  leaving a ton of money on the table. Act now



    Massimo D'Amico
    President for E.O.L.T.T. Education Online
    Teaching Tool (Via XXIV Maggio 11/12,
    31044, Montebelluna (TV), Italy )

    Comments or Questions? Send me an email

           More Testimonies from my Thrilled Traffic System Owners



             "I AM BLOWN AWAY"

    Your System is Great!

    I recently completed an ebook for search engine marketing.

    You know the one... it's the one YOU endorse!

    I've been using your traffic system to market my new
    ebook... and let me tell you...  the sales are through
    the roof!

    I was selling them rather nicely before thank you - with
    my #1 listing on MSN under search engine marketing
    ebook, but your traffic program exploded my sales!

    I can't wait for your affiliates to see how much money make once they know what they're doing!

    Jeremy Estes



    "The Best Traffic of your life is an excellent system"

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         The Best Traffic of Your Life

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